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Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I retired from the military after 20 years of service. Now I work for a company that manufactures equipment for the military, police, fire and hospitals. My job TOTALLY rocks!!!!!

05 August 2010

Good day today

For those of you who are not aware, I turned 40 about a month ago. No big deal really, although I enjoy making something of it on occasion, which tends to garner humorous derision by my elders. On the whole I don't feel any different at all. I'm the same asshole I always was, but I pay lower insurance premiums.

One thing that I have noticed lately (over the past 3-5 years) is that younger women are taking less and less interest in me. Not too surprising, but it hit me that while I used to joke about things like that when I was in my 20's and early 30's, it is something of a kick in your ego's nuts when you realize your the joke, not the joker.Until today...

I was out working here in sunny (hot as f**k) Gulfport, Mississippi when a nice thing happened that made me smile for most of the evening. A girl 2 weeks shy of her 21st birthday was actually hitting on me. Not hard, so subtley that I actually had to ask someone else that was working with us if I was imagining it, as is my wont. But no, i wasn't wrong this time, she actually hit on me. I walked away form work this afternoon with a big old smile on my face that didn't leave until an hour or two ago, and I am smiling a little now as I write this. And for the record, I didn't go home with her, nor she with me, but it was still petty nice.

I know I was never all that hot to begin with, except to those few girls/women who must have had eye problems, but I did okay for the most part (better than some worse than most). But to have a girl hit on me who wasn't even alive when I finished high school was a welcome addition to my day.

Maybe those girls/women form before didn't ALL have bad eyesight or beer goggles on...

Or maybe the gray in my beard just makes me look distinguished.


  1. On the flip side, I was just telling a friend yesterday what an interesting phenomenon it is, as a woman, to transition from being attracted to "guys" to being attracted to "men." This happened to me in my mid-late 20's. Boys/guys just don't cut it anymore... they leave something to be desired. SO, I suggest you embrace your age... and start acting like it. ;-)

  2. good for u joe... yeah,,i know the feeling.
