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Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I retired from the military after 20 years of service. Now I work for a company that manufactures equipment for the military, police, fire and hospitals. My job TOTALLY rocks!!!!!

03 August 2010

SB 1070

For those of you not aware, Arizona passed SB-1070. In basic terms it is a law designed to combat illegal immigration.

The law was written specifically to stand up to the scrutiny of the Obamanation administration and AZ lawmakers were careful to ensure that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Of course none of that matters, because our gutless fearless leader has decided that it's not in the best interest of the people to make laws that help the states battle with ongoing problems.

I have a buddy/co-worker who is British. He came over here to work for the government a number of years ago. In so doing he was required to go through the migration process. He carries a green card, etc. We discussed SB-1070 and he got a little pissed about the whole thing.

His problem was that he went and did everything that was required of him to be able to stay in this country. Spent the money needed for visas, took the time to fill out the paperwork because it was required of him. Now he looks at what we're allowing to happen in this country and wonders why he even bothered.

I don't particularly care where anyone comes from. "Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free..." That's all well and good, just come here the right way.

Today I read that there was a memo drafted by the White House expressing an interest in awarding blanket amnesty to ALL illegals. WTF???? Does the your president not remember that he works for us not the other way around?

2 stories further down the page there was the case of the illegal with multiple DUI's who got another one the other day. After he killed a nun and put 2 others in critical condition that is. And he was supposed to be in custody, but ICE released him early. If I remember correctly, they threatened to do that if SB-1070 wasn't repealed (I may be mis-remembering that part, but I am pretty sure I read that, or at least something to that effect).

The bottom line is simple. Illegal is illegal. Having amnesty cities is a joke. Having a government ignoring the will of people is a joke. Having the people keeping these idiots in power is a joke. November is coming, it's time that you start standing up for your rights. Let the government know that they are not listening to you.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more on this issue. I welcome anyone who wants to come here the RIGHT/LEGAL way; otherwise, you are a drain on ALL RESOURCES.

  2. well said....makes me so angry i could crush an empty can of ginger ale
