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Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I retired from the military after 20 years of service. Now I work for a company that manufactures equipment for the military, police, fire and hospitals. My job TOTALLY rocks!!!!!

14 August 2010


As usual I am a little pissed off. Wanna know why? If not, then get the frak out of here.

A mosque. At ground zero. Really? That' Jokebama forcefully supports this?

1st I have to say this to ANYONE who still supports this moron: You are as out of touch with reality as he is. This is as un-patriotic as anything I can think of in recent history.

There are not too many things that I agree with that people do, usually their actions frost my balls. However I have matured changed to the point that I don't let it get my dander up as much as it used to. I have grown accustomed to people acting like morons so I just sit back and laugh as much as I can. That being said, I am outraged to say the least.

Islam is touted by it's proponents as "The religion of peace." Allllllright...sure. And, of course, most people (read Americans) accept this (those would be the liberals). Maybe I shouldn't say most, I should say the loudest. Whatever. The point is that there are almost no Americans who have actually READ the koran (I spelled it that way on purpose).

The koran says that ANYONE who does not follow Islam MUST be killed! This is not propaganda. This is not something that someone told me. I read this. Out of their book. And of course every idiot who wants to promote Utopian ideals refuses to believe it. It's better to weaken ourselves so we don't appear to be threatening to anyone else.

We let a midget megalomaniac have access to nuclear weaponry. It's ok, let him. Then he will feel safer and leave us alone. Leben und leben lassen (live and let live). Of course if the rest of the country realizes that we are rolling over like a hooker in front of a $100 bill, they'll freak. Hmmm...I've got it. Sanctions. We'll get the United Abominations (Thanks Dave Mustaine) to SANCTION Iran. That'll work. Then the people will see that we're doing our best and get what we want. And we let it happen.

We go to a war that we cannot win. Again. And we let it happen. And let's not bring up the whole Arizona thing again. When is enough going to be enough?

When gas prices doubled a few years back, there were all these chain emails going out. And they all said "Let's boycott such and such gas stations all across the country on the same day. That'll send the message that we're not gonna take this crap." And of course it didn't work. Why? Actually there are a number of reasons that it didn't work, but there is one thing that didn't help. Us. You, me,...them (Blues Brothers reference there). We didn't think it would work. Honestly, when the DAY came, how many of you remembered to do it? How many of you said "Fuck it, this station is more convenient. Besides, everyone else is going there, so why shouldn't I?" How many of you just laughed it off? I'm pretty sure I did. Because it's our nature isn't it? Screw it, as long as I'm happy. Of course, when things don't go right and I get pissed it's not my fault. It's someone else's fault. I didn't do anything. And you were right. You did absolutely nothing.

Nothing at all.

Why bother? Why waste my time fighting the "system"? What's in it for me? What do I get out of it?

When are we going to learn? The system doesn't work. If this was a car, we would have traded it in a long time ago, but why bother? I mean really, what's in it for me?

So we get attacked? Do they attack a military target? No, cause they would not win. Instead they attack civilians. People who could not fight back. They use airplanes. They commit suicide. And then everyone remembers. Remembers that we are America. Remembers that we are the strongest country the world has ever known. We stood together, proud, strong, united. And we were pissed. We didn't attack them. But our memories are short, because we DID indeed attack them. Don't you remember that?

Ahhh, you thought I meant Desert Shield/Desert Storm didn't you? When I first heard about us attacking them, I thought the same thing. And I was wrong too. These "people" are still pissed about the fucking Crusades. No joke. They really are pissed about it. Still. IT WAS 700 YEARS AGO, GET OVER IT! But they can't and won't. They will do as they are told. The koran tells them that they must kill us because we do not believe in their God. And what happens now? We're going to give them a great victory. There is going to be a mosque at Ground Zero! And WE are going to pay for it too. Aren't you glad you elected Jokebama?

What's next? Sarah Palin for president? Or even worse...

Paris Hilton.


  1. Agreed, 100%. When I found out about it, I was shocked. I'd like to tell them: You can build a mosque at Ground Zero when we can build a Synagogue in Mecca.
